I, like nearly everyone teaching in the US, and many around the world, started switching my classes in mid (Spring 2020) semester from face to face classes to trying to make them distance learning classes without much warning. Costume and Makeup classes in theatre are rather spectacularly ill suited to this sort of conversion. However, I have a bit more resources built up because I have flirted with Distance Education before. And I have been making all I can for my own classes as fast as I can. So, what follows are links to a bunch of hopefully useful stuff for you to use in your newly online costume and makeup classes:
Video Lessons for Teaching Makeup Class (full semester of how-tos)
I also maintain Multiple YouTube playlists for my own classes of good videos for typical Makeup class projects like Age, Animal, Kabuki, Drag, FX etc. plus tutorials for dark, medium and light skin tones, makeup videos in Spanish, etc, so students can easily find a variety of tutorials to help them learn what they need to know. You can just surf through these ready-made compilations and pick the videos you want to embed in your class homework pages.
More About Drama 112 Stage Makeup, Spring & Fall, Diablo Valley College
My Stage Makeup class pages in the Canvas Learning system can be found and auto-uploaded to your Canvas shell in their entirety on Canvas Commons, but are also mirrored here at STAGE MAKEUP CLASS PAGES in case you are using a different system than Canvas. You can copy and paste bits or all of this into your system and spare yourself the extra work.
Conveniently, I made a free textbook in 2009 for my Costume Class which covers both Costume Design and Costume Construction which is full color downloadable and printable. It has a bunch of How-To sections that can be broken out into take home class projects. I have also made a lot of class how tos and other handouts you can send to your distance ed students:
This was a handout and video I made for the face to face class in Spring 2020 semester so I could split the class into two rotating groups so only half the class would be sewing at once while the other got how tos and history from Youtube and me to prep them for the face to face sewing/drawing/costume crafts session for their next class.
You can also see here how I put together a Playlist of existing Youtube videos plus made a bunch of short connecting videos for my students to show them in the first week of the 2020 lockdown: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNQBavWhrKQxqAYAoW50eGOJ3JLyb3zch

Marie Antoinette Pool Noodle Wig Project Page
More PDF Handouts you can use for your Costume Classes:
- Costume Terminology – Fabric
- Costume-Terminology-2-Events-and-More
- Costume Terminology
- Costume Terminology – Patterns
- Ruffled Apron Project
- History Board Project Handout
- Lace Edged Mob Cap Instructions
- Costume Movie Project
- Pocket Squares TaraWriting
- RegencyBucketBag
- MedievalPouch
- RingPurseInstructions
- “Looking Hot in a Cold Climate” (Banyan Project History & Patterns)
- Pattern Making 101 Costume Class Handout
- Phone Camera Enhancements FA18 DVC
- Evil Mutant Fairy Plastics 2: Torqueing Tyvek by Tara Maginnis
- PDF of Handout – Evil Mutant Fairy Plastics 3: Warped Wings by Tara Maginnis
- PDF Handout for making Evil Mutant Fairy Plastics 4: Creepy Claw Project by Tara Maginnis
- Evil Mutant Fairy Plastics 5: Electric Wigs Handout by Janice Gartin and Tara Maginnis
- Onstage Magic Costume Changes CoCo2016 Compressed
- Rigging Costume Change Handout CoCo2016
- Rigging Onstage Instant Costume Changes for Magical Effects
- Photographing Your Makeup Class
- Makeup Photos How To
- Costume Terminology 1 Workers
As you can see above I also have posted the PDF handouts for most of my conference presentations which you can use as well:
This presentation I converted into another Youtube Video for my class to use to learn how to Distress costumes at home after Spring break 2020:
I also broke out a section of that textbook with the parts that relate to Distressing to make another PDF handout: Spray-Dyeing-Jesus-and-Other-Distressing-Thoughts-excerpt
Drama 113 Costume Design, Spring, Diablo Valley College
I will keep posting stuff here as I create or resurrect it from my old Costumer’s Manifesto site…