Some Examples shown in the Live workshop presentation:

Some Examples shown in the Live workshop presentation:
Costume College 2016, 7/30/2016 Woodland Hills, California and KCACTF Region VII Conference, 2/16/16 Denver, Colorado
New and improved Costume College 2016 version Rigging Onstage Instant Costume Changes Class Handout Rigging Costume Change Handout CoCo2016
KCACTF version of PDF of Drawings and Diagrams of Quick Release Rigging 4 Costumes
KCACTF version Powerpoint Presentation of Onstage Magic Costume Changes
Video of this costume demonstrated at the KCACTF Region 7 conference
Another Failed test at 1st dress rehearsal, done in slow motion for study of what went wrong
Clip of the Witch’s Quick Change from Into the Woods at the KCACTF Region 7 conference
Playlist of Onstage Magic Costume Change YouTube clips
Pinterest Board with Onstage Costume Change Clips, including some from the CoCo2016 Lecture
Presented at the KCACTF Region VII Conference 2/15/16 in Denver Colorado
Powerpoint PDF: Photographing Your Makeup Class
Handout PDF: Makeup Photos How To
Updated version for students on Youtube!
A longer version with content for teachers of classes of all sorts, not only makeup, made for a DVC Faculty Development Workshop: