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STAGE MAKEUP CLASS PAGES 111: Watch Drag/Glamour/etc. Makeup Videos!

[This page is part of a mirror of my Canvas learning system pages I created for my Drama 112 Intro Stage Makeup class at DVC.  If you want to use this content for another Canvas class shell you can find it in Canvas Commons by searching for “Tara Maginnis” and you can download all or part of this directly into your shell with all the extra cool formatting of colored divider lines, right side embedded Giphy animations, etc. already put in, if you are working with a different system, it is ok to copy and paste from here, and then customize the pages as you need  for your classes].

Drag portrait by Kate Bones

Drag Portrait by Kate Bones
Drag Portrait by Kate Bones

You do realize we are doing multiple Official “Tara” videos again…

But, since this is a clear case where many of the other YouTube videos are clearly as good or better than my own, feel free to watch the ones that interest you most!

More Optional Videos:

Even MORE Drag and Glamour Makeup Tutorials for all skin tones 

Female to Male Character & “Drag King” Makeup Tutorials for all skin tones