I just made this page for inclusion in a DVC Career Education Canvas Class Activity Page for students – any student suggestions to make it better?

Most artistic and craft based occupations require you build a portfolio of your work. You need this so employers and clients will be able to see the quality of your design and/or construction work before they hire you. A portfolio is there to show the employer/client your aesthetic abilities, your range of styles, and demonstrate your ability to present and organize your work product. In broad general terms this applies for all artistic professions, regardless of type. You can learn about the specifics of your particular art(s) in a later project, but for now, view the following videos and web pages on a small sample of the wide assortment of jobs that require portfolios, and then reflect on what parts of this might apply to making a portfolio of your work.
Carpentry Services in Home Design (Links to an external site.)
Fashion Design Portfolio (Links to an external site.)
Ceramic Sculpture Portfolio (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
(Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)Architectural Planning, Design, and Photography (Links to an external site.)
Game Developer Portfolio (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
Character Design, Package Design, Identity Design (Links to an external site.)
Wedding Photographer Portfolio (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
Custom Artificial Limb Prosthetic Design (Links to an external site.)
Cosmetic Dentistry (Links to an external site.)
Seeing what portfolios look like for these professions, describe what you think you can or should put into a portfolio to demonstrate your abilities in your area of study.