[This page is part of a mirror of my Canvas learning system pages I created for my Drama 112 Intro Stage Makeup class at DVC. If you want to use this content for another Canvas class shell you can find it in Canvas Commons by searching for “Tara Maginnis” and you can download all or part of this directly into your shell with all the extra cool formatting of colored divider lines, right side embedded Giphy animations, etc. already put in, if you are working with a different system, it is ok to copy and paste from here, and then customize the pages as you need for your classes].

The Requirements of This Project:
Design & apply a classic Day of the Dead (Sugar skull) makeup that also uses some of the face painting strokes you learned about in part 1. You may do this for members of the public or yourself at the ACL center.
Have Tara and the TA’s Take lots of photos of your work. (Or if stuck at home, take photos yourself)
Post your favorites to this assignment for credit. Doing more than one project counts for more points, so if you do more than one, upload those photos for extra credit!

Note on Stencils:
If one of the techniques you were interested in using on this project is a stencil, you may either purchase or make your own stencil or BORROW ONE FROM TARA. Again, borrow this the week before so you have a chance to play with it ahead of class. Please return it at the end of class. If you want to make your own there are great Links for Making & Using Face Stencils if you want further information.
Steps to take:
- Apply the Makeup for a traditional Day of the Dead Sugar Scull makeup or variant, to your face or your model’s face.
- Have Tara or the TA’s take lots of photos.
- If you are stuck doing this at home, Do a photo shoot of this project and give yourself time to get some perfect clear photos from many angles .
- Post at least the best 3-4 pictures to the link below.
- IF YOU DO EXTRAS, Take photos and post them here also for extra credit!
I’m Done, Now What?
You may want to (or not) do more makeup on members of the public. If you do so, make sure to take lots of photos (or have Tara do so) and submit the extras here for additional extra credit points!