[This page is part of a mirror of my Canvas learning system pages I created for my Drama 112 Intro Stage Makeup class at DVC. If you want to use this content for another Canvas class shell you can find it in Canvas Commons by searching for “Tara Maginnis” and you can download all or part of this directly into your shell with all the extra cool formatting of colored divider lines, right side embedded Giphy animations, etc. already put in, if you are working with a different system, it is ok to copy and paste from here, and then customize the pages as you need for your classes].
Have you done something extra in your pursuit of knowledge of Stage Makeup?
- Doing a rendering for a project that does not require one.
- Doing an extra makeup on yourself or another person that does not fit into one of the assignment categories.
- Doing makeup for your self for a holiday (Halloween, Dia de los Muertos, Thanksgiving, St. Pats, etc.)
- Doing makeup for an event such as a stage play, video, face painting for a fair or school, zombie walk, or just having fun with friends/family.
- Made a how-to video for a makeup topic posted to YouTube, TikTok, or other social media.
- Doing a body painting project.
- Other stuff that I haven’t thought of, but you might…
How to get credit:

If you do anything like this, you can post any or all these types of things to this space and I will add points to you for this “No Point” assignment.
Post at least one photo, preferably more AND write a description of what you did! (so I know what I’m seeing).
You can do this as often as you like, at any point in the semester!
If you don’t do any, it is a no points assignment so you do not lose any points.
If you do, and I add say 10 points here for a thing, you can essentially use those 10 “extra” points to substitute for 10 missing points in a skipped assignment elsewhere.
If you do a bunch of things this can substitute for several things and be more points (20, 30, etc). It is listed as 0 because then if I put in more points than that they show up as extra points, not required ones. This is useful if one of the assignment groups really does not interest you for some reason, (like sticking wool to your face with tree sap, or horror makeup).
Also do this:
If you do any extra stuff, also post it to the weekly discussion board so people see your cool stuff, and can ooo and ahhh over your extra-ness!