STAGE MAKEUP CLASS PAGES 23: Another Optional Extra Credit Assignment: Make Your Alien Replicant Twins for 10 extra points! 

[This page is part of a mirror of my Canvas learning system pages I created for my Drama 112 Intro Stage Makeup class at DVC.  If you want to use this content for another Canvas class shell you can find it in Canvas Commons by searching for “Tara Maginnis” and you can download all or part of this directly into your shell with all the extra cool formatting of colored divider lines, right side embedded Giphy animations, etc. already put in, if you are working with a different system, it is ok to copy and paste from here, and then customize the pages as you need  for your classes].

The Master Plan For World Domination:

For this project you will again use a phone app to do something that is both useful and very silly looking.  You will take your photo straight on (no tilting or you will look more “Space Alien” than you intend) on your smart phone, and process it in MirrorPhoto  (or another photo mirror type app) then manipulate it in the app to make two new “Alien Replicant” versions of your face with the two right sides repeated on one, and the two left sides on another:

Tara Face with 2 Right Sides
Tara face straight on
Tara's face with two left sides

As you can see this makes slight asymmetries in your face easier to see.  When we do “Corrective” makeup it will let you see which areas you may wish to try to even out. 

Step 1:

If you use an iPhone, download the free MirrorPhoto App.  

NOTE: If you are on Android or another system, just go to your system app store and check out a few of the hundreds of available free “photo mirror” apps that are out there, till you find one that lets you do what you want.  I tried 3 apps in the Apple system before I found the easiest one for iPhone, but unfortunately I don’t have the other types of phones to test.  However, if my own experience holds true you may find some fun free apps that while they wont let you make an alien twin they can do other fun things with your photos, so your time is not wasted.

Step 2:

Take your photo with your phone.  Try to get your face to take up most of the frame, and not to tilt one way or other, take photos till you get one that does this.

Photographing  Tara's face in the app.
Tara's face photographed straight front

Step 3:

Save the face to your phone by using the up arrow at the top of the screen.  Hitting the up key opens options for saving and/or sharing including a down arrow key button at left. Hit that button to save to your phone. The image will show a Save Success rectangle on the photo when it saves correctly.

The app showing "Save Success"

Step 4:

The face doubled by the app
The two faces merged into one
Tara's face with two left sides

NEW! Video with more detailed updated explanation:

Hit the first mirror key in the app (shown here as blue) to mirror-double the face.  Then drag the image towards the center till the sides merge into a single face.  Save the face to your phone.

Step 5:

Merging the faces in the app
Tara Face with 2 Right Sides

Click the next mirror key which will show the other side of the face.  Adjust the position of the face to look normal.  Save the image to your phone.

Step 6:

Upload your three pictures below:

Tara Face with 2 Right Sides
Tara face straight on
Tara's face with two left sides

Optional Step 7:

Play with your face and the app to do fun silly stuff to share with your friends.  (Or not.)

Weird 3-eyed Tara image #1  Up-down-side up Tara faces I like the 3 eyed photo so much I use it as my identity photo on Portfolium!