Tara Maginnis, Ph.D. Costume Designer, Professor, Author
- email: tara@costumes.org
- Phone: 415 272 5157
- Lives in San Rafael, CA, USA
- https://linktr.ee/TheCostumer
Current Employment (since 2008): Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill, CA as Instructor of Drama 113 Costume Design and Drama 112 Stage Makeup. Also employed as costume designer for the Drama Department from 2008-2023. Previously Employed 1988-2007 at The University Of Alaska Fairbanks.
- Resume
- Costume Design
- My Classes
- Makeup Design
- Publications
- My Shutterfly Photo Page: Tara Maginnis Costume And Makeup Classes
- My YouTube Channel: The Costumer’s Manifesto including:
- Tara Michele Maginnis on ResearchGate
- Conference Workshops and Presentations
- Free Distance Education Resources
- Tara’s Animated Gifs at Giphy
Tara Maginnis,
You are a goddess!
Hope you are good with that. If not, please accept my apology and replace goddess with your superlative of choice.
Thank you for being such a generous genius.
thank you for being so insanely generous with your work. I am loving all the miniature books!
Glad to share. If you have a version of photoshop download the psd templates, then you can make mini books of your own at will of any sort you like.