More Than You Ever Wanted to Know About Hot Glue, Costume College 2015

PDF  2015-hot-glue-notes

Student Handout
Student Handout
Student Handout
Student Handout
Student Handout
Student Handout
Student Handout
Student Handout
Student Handout
Student Handout
Student Handout
Student Handout
Student Handout
Student Handout


Some Examples shown in the Live workshop presentation:

Parchment paper is formed into small cones
Parchment paper is formed into small cones
Hot Glue is formed in a swirl over a cone of cooking parchment
Hot Glue is formed in a swirl over a cone of cooking parchment

hotglue 004 (2) hotglue 007 (2)

hotglue 006 (2) glueruff 004 glueruff 002 glueruff 001 DVC_HotGlue 032 DVC_HotGlue 009

To Make a Necklace, Draw a pattern on paper and cover the paper with cooking parchment
To Make a Necklace, Draw a pattern on paper and cover the paper with cooking parchment
Put hot glue (in this case glitter glue) onto the parchment and pull off when cool
Put hot glue (in this case glitter glue) onto the parchment and pull off when cool

glueruff 006

earrings 007 earrings 005 earrings 004

hot glue pineapple 006 hot glue pineapple 008 Pink Glue Tiara 001 Pink Glue Tiara 004 Pink Glue Tiara 005 Pink Glue Tiara 007

001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011

DVC_HotGlue 069 DVC_HotGlue 068 CoCoProjects 065 CoCoProjects 067 MakeupFinals 401

HotGlueCollar 005 HotGlueCollar 018 HotGlueCollar 021 HotGlueCollar 022 HotGlueCollar 024 HotGlueCollar 026 HotGlueCollar 037 HotGlueCollar 038 HotGlueCollar 038 HotGlueCollar 039 HotGlueCollar 044 HotGlueCollar 045 HotGlueCollar 056 HotGlueCollar 059 Pink Glue Tiara 014 Pink Glue Tiara 015