The Skriker, Diablo Valley College, 2012, Costume Designs by Tara Maginnis

Costumes for The Skriker at Diablo Valley College, 2012, by Tara Maginnis

Click to go to an illustrated Booklet on the Costume Concept of Skriker

Learn more about the process of making this show from these conference presentations:

Review: “The Skriker” Pushes Boundaries of the Mind


Free Printable Miniature Books for Dollhouses #35 : Costume Designs for The Skriker by Tara Maginnis

Here is your Easter Egg for Visiting this page! Just print on an 8.5″ x 11″ piece of paper, and cut and paste into a 1.5″ dollhouse book.  Plus there are more Free Printable Miniature Books for Doll House Use!